Just had to look up what a nutria is and am delighted to make their acquaintance. I have many squirrel chonks in Hood River, probably because I feed them corn regularly.
I think sometimes about the time i was wet and cold and hurrying home in San Francisco and a rat — clearly also wet and cold and hurrying home — ran into my foot
I’ve seen all of those mammals in Seattle except the nutria! It has remained elusive to me. And the *&^%$ beaver!! I know we have beavers here because you can see their structures.
Folks in NW pdx have contended with deer and elk. There are mink (or other members of the weasel family) about. Chipmunks are plentiful, as are rabbits, gophers, mice, and moles. There are skunks. I've been told about, though have not seen, bobcats. We're a blackout away from a return to the wild.
nutria 😮 I didn't think they'd be that far north. I've been seeing stubs of small trees/saplings chewed down by beavers lately but not the beavers themselves. saw a deer and a possum hauling ass last couple of walks
(paw over my shoe)
we both squeaked!
We saw some *very* healthy raccoons, multiple deer, and squirrels (of course). Heard coyotes, but never saw them.