Someday I wish to form a mutual friendship with a murder of crows so I can point at someone for them to rob (This is a joke, I just want to form friendships with crows)
I used to share bits of my lunch with a crow. My co-worker didn't and actively chased the crow away. Her car had bird poop on it, a lot. Mine didn't. I've always liked crows.
I have 3 that regularly perch in the tall old willow behind my house, at the topmost limb, I suspect it's because that is the highest place in the yard and they would see Everything. They don't seem to eat from my feeders though. They are the largest birds I have apart from the hawks in the field.
I have some crows, grackles, and mockingbirds that hang out around my house. The crows take pleasure in provoking fights between the grackles and mockingbirds. Its absolutely hilarious to watch, and I've been trying to feed them, but the GODDAMN SQUIRRELS keep stealing it.
they're a government psysop to produce more birds.