We can't save the world with games, but we can be part of why it is worth saving. We can't save the world with art, but we can brighten it. We can't save the world with play, but we can be a reminder of our humanity. We can't save the world with joy, but we can be a reprieve before the fight.
I'm old like dirt now, but that is my go to story when people dis arts.
I had the first gay trpg character in an example of play in 1994. A woman thanked me at a convention, and whispered to me "I thought I was the only one." And then I cried and she cried and I realized gaming can change the world.
Thank your for sharing all of this. I feel the same, playing together is saving the world, one turn at a time. And game designers should make our rules, not politicians.
I never received such reinforcement. When I decided to work as a game developer, my dad was very upset. Back then, in Poland, games were considered not serious, for kids, and a waste of time.
Tho I easily lose sight of that in times like these. Am old, world weary, and often prone to despair
All of this to say thank you for providing a much needed boost to morale. Really needed it
Together, we all go further.
Thank you 🙏✨
I quite literally credit the announcement of Golden Sun 2 as the reason why I survived high school.
So yeah. Your sentiment is quite literally proven and true. 😭
If my main talent is in providing some joy, or at least relief, then it's more than worth doing. <3
Thank you.
It is a perspective I need in my outlook.