Process it as best you can and move on. This is likely because in their mind somehow, they feel that you being more "successful" then them is unfair to them and this is actually their issue to work through.
That feeling of betrayal is so horrible. In the past, it made me feel like an idiot and embarrassed. Recently, I haven't had that trouble, but I think I would look at it like this: they didn't have the guts to be themselves around me/they thought they could use me, which is just... pathetic.
I think I might confront them about it, but then again, I think cutting them off completely without saying a word might be best ,if possible. Arguing with them would be exhausting and there's more important things to worry abot. However, it really depends how the relationship was mde + the duration
*about lol
and all I can focus on is myself. I know that I don't betray people like that, so the only actions I can fully control are my own and try to live by example.
hope that person gets what they deserve though >:(
If I find out from them directly, I thank them for expressing their boundaries and kindly cut them from my life. If I find out from second hand sources, I confirm by pressing in to the relationship (more contact, interaction) and then observe their reaction. Either way I kindly cut them off.
…sink into a depressed funk for a really long time and then block everywhere and call it done?
Idk. It was nice moving to a whole other country and not seeing anyone from the past, in that regard.
It depends how you found out. If it's secondhand info, people could be lying to you. I usually confront the person. Sometimes things aren't as bad as they seem, and the relationship can move forward. Other times, I'm burning bridges because I don't want fake relationships.
and all I can focus on is myself. I know that I don't betray people like that, so the only actions I can fully control are my own and try to live by example.
hope that person gets what they deserve though >:(
Maybe one day rub success in their face.
Idk. It was nice moving to a whole other country and not seeing anyone from the past, in that regard.