to be fair Frans Kafka did try to imply that workers weren't disgusting things, and that the cockroach in the metamorphsis should be treated with respect and treated equally, and not discarded and treated like a monster and then tossed away. That he should have been treated with respect.
I mean that's kinda the whole point of the thing. He could have been saved if people viewed the working class as real humans and not inferior. It's about those who live in the lap of luxury who live off the working class to get what they want in this world not viewing the working class as doing that
they view the working class as insects, and inferior, but in actuality the whole family unit would have crumbled and failed without Gregor. If he wasn't working they wouldn't be living in Luxury, but instead of coming to his die and helping him, they discarded him because of the fall Russia.
Since the Aristocrats weren't in power anymore at the end of WWI they had to become the working class, and Gregor did that for his family and kept them in the Lap of Luxury, and as he became more related to the working class, the more they saw him as a cockroach, and were disgusted.
Kafka's overarching argument was that Gregor could have been saved if his family had treated him like the hero he was to the family, and the working class was treated with the respect they deserved. Never once in the metamorphsis is the reader supposed to be disgusted by Gregor, but to empathize
I love this so much! I love the sketchy pen style ya did for everything except Felicity. With Felicity having smooth lineart.