Name your favorites from Star Trek:

Uniform: Kirk's wraparound tunic
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Worf & Dax
Character: Elim Garak
Ship: Excelsior
Villain: Dukat
Series: DS9
Captain: SNW Pike
Movie: The Wrath of Khan
Theme: TNG
Guest: Jeffrey Combs #StarTrek #TrekSky
Reposted from Seán Ferrick
Name your favorites from Star Trek:

Uniform: Monster Maroon
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: O'Brien and Keiko
Character: Elim Garak
Ship: TMP Ent
Villain: Dukat
Series: DS9
Captain: Sisko
Movie: The Undiscovered Country
Theme: DS9
Guest: Tony Todd 💔 #StarTrek #TrekSky
