That's honestly it pretty much. Award shows are just extended advertisements for the most part after all. Rarely does it matter if a game is actually good or not, but rather if it's already popular and/or backed by some big $$$.
a fighting collection of old games and a broken unfinished game that nobody likes are up for best fighter? are there so few choices for nomination favoritism?
Money and Recognisable Characters. There'll be people voting that don't play fighting games, and they'll see that and go like "Oh, I 'memba this! So there's a fighting game with characters I know? Must be good, because I'm good and I like good things."
I understand voting for the GOAT, I go with Tekken 8 since it is actually new, and the game is amazing (not talking about balance issues and monetization)
I'm trying to fight the cynical thought that it'll win because the people who vote on this stuff won't know anything about fighting games. I'm failing.
They should do the right thing, re-nominated KoFXV and let it beat multiversus this time. Would that be the fair and correct thing to do? Probably not, but if we are governed but the laws of animals then as animals we shall be.
When TGA's are desperate to jingle keys for da yoof: IS GLORNK OR LITTLE JIGGLES GONNA BE TRANS MEDIA INFLUJICATOR OF THE YEAR????
But that Capcom entry is literally just a collection of 20 year old games.