I kept dragon but went monk. Shadow Monk with teammates that benefit from magical darkness was a lot of fun. Takes until mid/late Act 2 to come online but it's worth it.
if you want to play as a dragonborn at all even a little, keep the dragon. If you have a Vision of a durge character all your own, make a custom. Doubly, if you really just want "the durge experience" without bringing your own plans of managing the urge, again just go with the dragon.
so sad he couldn't be a party member cus the voice he has for the intro dialogue (and i think there's a quest in the game itself where someone assumes your form, and if you're Durge with the Durge voice as your chosen voice you get to hear a little more dialogue with that voice.) is fantastic.
I don't ever remember getting that tidbit of hearing my character's voice, found it in a youtube video so idk if it was added in an update later or if it was a quest i missed or somethin
"Hee hee hoo hoo, I have unceasing visions of murdering you"
Personally I stuck with dargon but customized it a bit
Only thing I changed was I gave hin a tail. Because.