When disabled people with intimate experience of medical systems say we do not trust doctors to make judgements about whose lives are worth living, this is why. Until you experience it, you don't believe this *could* happen. We warned about it early in 2020. We're warning about it now.
But I already saw how little my life means to most people, and I can’t ever unsee that. It was devastating to my heart (emotionally)
It's why teeth aren't usually covered, don't need those to work the line.
They're just still here.
Ableism is built in to healthcare. Disabled people know it now and knew it long before 2020.
Feel for the people who died and the people who loved them. So much unnecessary pain and loss.
Then I remember the Americans have guns.
We knew this was happening at the time and nothing was done to stop it.
This is one of the most obvious bits of evidence but not the only evidence.
(...currently re-terrified, as they just went on a predictably germy trip, but here we all are. 🙄)
My cousin is sick.)
My guess is the illusion of currency, or the illusion of true causality, not much occurs in a vacuum, just a gravity well. Meaning there’s a lot of systemic issues without real societal representation, in a “governing body”, globally. That I know of?
There was a post about a nurse (or doctor?) hand-wringing over theoretically having to justify to a younger patient that they had given the last ventilator to an elderly patient.
We were unprepared for the true emotional impact and now that weight and stress is distributed across all society and how we respond under pressure collectively. I live it. We forget ,the body knows.
Look we had a concept it was a global variable that comes with freedom and democracy, is the procedural rule by someone who didn’t have an accurate grasp on the situation made the rules years ago, the science wasn’t out, how can we do better?😅
Countries and cultural perspective vary largely by implicit bias😅
Nothing has been done about it.
Also, if so, who was ultimately responsible?
I hear the UK has awful ablism. Downright crisis levels at times.
Ableism is built into healthcare.
IOW, healthcare providers enter their training with these biases in place and only have them intensified in training.
Said friend has mutism so regardless of any other diagnoses, is automatically seen as "less than". Its disgusting.
Then an actual crisis hit and the spare capacity that we needed wasn't there
resources? If you have one ventilator and 10 patients, are you going to pretend there's a justifiable reason behind your decision to deny 9 people with care?