I spy the Tesla automotive brand dying a painful death. Apparently the Tesla Board of Directors found Nero's fiddle instead of calling a meeting. Ha ha losers!
Join the fight for democracy! 🗳️ On Saturday, April 5, 2025, stand up against corruption and reclaim our voice. Join nation-wide protests & sit-ins in all 50 states. Let's make a difference together!
Awesome to see the rebellion is beginning.
Keep it going and we will get them out of our lives.
Unite, even if it's only to bring drinks if your to afraid to stand there. Even a little pad on the shoulder to motivate those people even more, is a spark. A ripple effect!
Everything the "Musk" family touches, should be 100% boycotted! why?
Because the "Musk" family made their "Generational" wealth thru SLAVERY, and bought companies/shares or stocks ever since! And we now even pay FEES to this FAMILY!
We don't need government for that. BOYCOTT!
In Florida, assaulting or battering a person 65 years of age or older is a felony, with aggravated assault or battery reclassified as a higher-level offense with potential for a minimum 3-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $10,000.
Loud and fired up! The 50501 march this afternoon down Germantown Ave in Chestnut Hills Historic District near Philadelphia was filled with the spirit of resistance.
Other than not hearing any honking in this video, I support every fucking one of you doing your patriotic part to destroy that twat. Buy rivian, trade rivian shares. Cheaper shares, not Nazi or associated with ruzzie and American products
Keep your voices loud and proud Americans! A few bad apples won't make your country's citizens a bunch of sexual predators, exploitive racists and soulless sellouts. They're too busy trying to get jobs in the cabinet. Canadian for the people! Love and Respect!
“May the Declaration of Independence be to the world what I believe it to be, a signal to arouse men. Calling them to burst from their chains under which monkish ignorance & superstition have persuaded them to bind themselves, & assume the blessings & security of self-government.” Thomas Jefferson
That's great. Me too. I was trying to find out about the Ft Lauderdale protests now. I used to work for MoveOn and we did a lot of stuff down there years ago. I'm not disagreeing with a centralized protest, they are fun and very effective, but at this time I'm attending what's in place
Brad schimel a corrupt politician who let 6000 rape kits ,think abt that 6000 women wo justice, untested & gave a plea deal 2a child predator whose attorney gave him $5000.00.
He will do & supt all of DT illegal whims.
Vote Susan Crawford any1 is better than brad Schimel.
Love all people in US that support & fight for the take down 💙
UTC Sarasota
3/29 - 11 am
Keep it going and we will get them out of our lives.
Unite, even if it's only to bring drinks if your to afraid to stand there. Even a little pad on the shoulder to motivate those people even more, is a spark. A ripple effect!
Because the "Musk" family made their "Generational" wealth thru SLAVERY, and bought companies/shares or stocks ever since! And we now even pay FEES to this FAMILY!
We don't need government for that. BOYCOTT!
Sorry, was unclear.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
Violent trumpanzees are out of control in Florida.
Hate Crime Extension & Elderly Abuse!
Beautiful day for Free Speech 😎
Stay safe
Stay peaceful
Trump is responsible for everything that is happening in our nation.
Good job people!
Has anyone crossed the protest line to look at or test drive a Swasticar?
It's worth it to gather together. Divided (could we ever be more divided?)
We WILL fall.
(PS... I lived down there.)
I'm now 66.
Brad schimel a corrupt politician who let 6000 rape kits ,think abt that 6000 women wo justice, untested & gave a plea deal 2a child predator whose attorney gave him $5000.00.
He will do & supt all of DT illegal whims.
Vote Susan Crawford any1 is better than brad Schimel.