He should have been imprisoned immediately when he used Russia to help him rig his first election........he became a traitor to this country that very instant. Then one must ask oneself ... what is in the heads of his followers? sawdust apparently because they obviously aren't real Americans
White nationalisim, talk show grievances, Pro wrestling, Shit Beer, swatztikas and confederate flags, Jerry Springer, and not much else. They accept his lies because the actual explanations are beyond their education to understand, hence their move to eliminate the department of Education!
Our founders were horrible people They wrote flowery words on paper. All that trump the Republicans the democrats are doing is restoring the country and the system to their factory settings Genocide slavery exploitation landtheft and no rights for anyone but the rich
Capital knows no boundaries, no borders. It has no loyalty to nation states or anything else. This is the natural conclusion of the neoliberal project and the US is showing itself to the world as a dictatorship.
Did someone say global boycott of the US, why not. This image shows just how much the US dominates. Always choose a local small business first but you can also choose products from Unilever or Nestle from the UK & Switzerland respectively. And so many EU countries + Canada have great products too.
Nestle: March 21-28
Walmart: April 7-14 and May 20-26
Second economic blackout: April 18
General Mills: April 21-28
Amazon: May 6-12
Target: June 3-9
McDonald's: June 24-30
Independence Day boycott: July 4
It's such a good portrait, I'm feeling a lot of ambivalence, bc I hate him so much, BUT IT'S DONE IN SPRAY PAINT AND IT'S INCREDIBLE... But he's a disgusting pig. They should make this his presidential portrait. 🤣🤣🤣
All of tRUMP's evil is factual, but it's time to get REAL DemocRAT's your Darling Warmongers JOKE Biden, Zionist Antony Blinken & Dirty Cop Harris are responsible not only for the death of 1 million innocents in Ukraine & Gaza but also are why many people turned to tRUMP as an alternative to War.
Hitler with Ferdinand Porsche, the Austrian engineer and founder of the car company that would later become Porsche. Hitler was promoting the development of the Volkswagen (“people’s car”). Porsche was instrumental in designing the Volkswagen Beetle, which was heavily supported by the Nazi regime.
It’s true that he is utterly faithless. But he never betrayed himself. It’s astounding that some who would censure their own for standing up for their shared values, can sink to even darker and murkier depths. Not to mention the one who would give a victim a stick for self defense but limit its use.
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
op-ed: hate seeing his face emblazoned in such a "sacred" way. street art is art for the masses. it is for free thinkers and inspiration, to inspire greatness in others.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
But sawdust works too.
Our founders were horrible people They wrote flowery words on paper. All that trump the Republicans the democrats are doing is restoring the country and the system to their factory settings Genocide slavery exploitation landtheft and no rights for anyone but the rich
Boycotts planned ...
Nestle: March 21-28
Walmart: April 7-14 and May 20-26
Second economic blackout: April 18
General Mills: April 21-28
Amazon: May 6-12
Target: June 3-9
McDonald's: June 24-30
Independence Day boycott: July 4
Trump is a traitor
Here allow me to recall a few things.
Weird ass
Basket of ass
Let's GO
all that man inspires is hate & nausea...