Exclusive: For decades, Catholic priests raped or molested Native American children who were taken from their homes by the U.S. government and forced to live at remote boarding schools, a Post investigation found. https://wapo.st/3yB2VZT
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Man's inhumanity to man. Has been going on for centuries, in various countries, in various forms, for various reasons, and it is so wrong on all levels. We call ourselves civilised? Time it stopped, time we grew up. We should be ashamed it still goes on.
This isn’t news, or exclusive. Is WaPo just now realizing that we (America) have been doing insanely bad shit alongside our pretty awesome shit this whole time? I guess everyone needs to wake up eventually.
At least 122 priests, sisters and brothers assigned to 22 boarding schools since the 1890s were later accused of sexually abusing Native American children under their care, The Post found.
Clarita Vargas was 8 when a priest took her and other girls to his office to watch a TV movie, then groped and fondled her as she sat on his lap — the beginning of three years of sexual abuse, she said. https://wapo.st/3yB2VZT
Vargas said she had difficulty trusting anyone and found it hard to build relationships. As an adult, she never wanted to eat chocolate because that is what the abusive priest used to give the children.
Some of the survivors said that as children they had tried to tell adults but were rebuffed or not believed.
Lists of accused priests are inconsistent and incomplete, and many survivors have not come forward. Others are aging and in poor health, or, like their abusers, have died.
Geraldine Charbonneau Dubourt said that she was 16 when a Catholic priest repeatedly raped her in a church basement and that a doctor and several Catholic sisters later forced her to undergo an abortion.
I have stopped blaming just men.
I have married into a family that are devout.
We don't speak, as the hypocrisy that I must indulge in, sickens me.
From personal observation, sick families thrive in the Catholic Church. Healthy people break away.
End of.
It is the Organized aspect (like organized crime).
Presentation of a united front in God's name; a human cannot argue.
Organizations can behave in a certain way that does not behoove individuals.
Organizations in fact do protect rapists.
This time Catholic, next time? Doesn't matter the *brand*.
Unless you get a Village Idiot for a President who prosecutes a war of colonialism against a 3rd world country. The history lesson of Vietnam isn't about war. It's about how a million things can go sideways that overwhelms the military victory & turns the venture into a sh*tshow. Happens every time.
ummm I'm note sure what that has to do with encouraging people and their kids and grandkids to learn about pedophile priests and what they did to Native American Indigenous children. But ya Vietnam was indeed a shitshow. War always is. If CRT is outlawed in school we need to teach it in other ways.
I was responding to history repeating itself. We had a President of this country that absolutely did not understand the lesson of Vietnam is. That dumb*ss repeated the same mistake made in 1962. As for the patriarchy protecting sexual predators, well, they've been doing that for centuries. :-(
Roman Catholic Church. Daily example of why Christian Patriarchy is a very bad idea. Responsible for more wars, more innocent lives lost, repression, and the enrichment of mean, nasty mean. Just Say No!
Unless you've been on a deserted island for 20 years, this is no revelation. But it can't be publicized enough.
The horrors inflicted on Natives by whites, not only priests!
Excommunicate me, now!
Experts say the The Post’s findings are a window into the widespread sexual abuse at Indian boarding schools.
“I shouldn’t have felt ashamed by it, but I was,” she said. https://wapo.st/3yB2VZT
Lists of accused priests are inconsistent and incomplete, and many survivors have not come forward. Others are aging and in poor health, or, like their abusers, have died.
Men with absolute power over people do this again and again. It should be expected.
I have married into a family that are devout.
We don't speak, as the hypocrisy that I must indulge in, sickens me.
From personal observation, sick families thrive in the Catholic Church. Healthy people break away.
End of.
Presentation of a united front in God's name; a human cannot argue.
Organizations can behave in a certain way that does not behoove individuals.
Organizations in fact do protect rapists.
This time Catholic, next time? Doesn't matter the *brand*.
Everyone just turned a blind eye