A filing in an antitrust lawsuit against some of the nation’s top universities alleges the schools overcharged students by $685 million in a “price-fixing” scheme, raising serious questions about their past admission and financial aid policies.
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My private college was sued by the state of MN for fraud. I've been waiting for 2 years to have my student loans wiped out. So it's not just elite colleges.
At my daughter’s college, in addition to the deans of the various college, they also have -
a Chief Investment Officer;
a VP of Strategic Planning and Initiatives;
a Senior Vice Provost for Educational Innovation and Assessment;
a Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship;
a Vice Provost for Research; 1/2
Family wealth influenced admissions decisions at elite universities? Wait...does this mean privilege actually exists? There is data on this? Does putting 2 and 2 together in this way make me woke? Egads.
American students have been sold on the idea that college is an "experience." Like 4+ years of summer camp meets American Pie. They wouldn't tolerate most European universities.
My university was careful to provide new upgraded dorms and new fancy exercise center with fully equipped student-only gym. Enrollment still continues to decline due to changing demographics in Wisconsin, as elsewhere.
Shit. We overpay at Public Universities too. My daughter was on the hook for $40,000 per year (including room & board) for an in-state public university. Thankfully she got a full ride for 3 of the 4 years and she'll come out with only about $50k in loans.
I work for a University (not of of those mentioned) and this lawsuit is bullshit. It's just white men all up in their feels because undergrads are now 60%+ women when they used to be 100% white men. Suing about admissions policies won't change that women and minorities are out-working you, boys!
Does not surprise me. The university system, public and private.... And in canada... Is just not sustainable. Just like our postal service, health care institutions and infrastructure, we've built too big, too ambitious and need a re-visioning.
If you look at tuition rates, this is not surprising.
a Chief Investment Officer;
a VP of Strategic Planning and Initiatives;
a Senior Vice Provost for Educational Innovation and Assessment;
a Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship;
a Vice Provost for Research; 1/2
a Vice Provost for Creative Inquiry (WTF??);
a separate Provost/Senior VP for Academic Affairs;
it’s not that big a school.
"They appeared to favor wealthy applicants despite stated policy to the contrary.
"Named defendants: Yale, Columbia, Duke, Brown, Emory, Georgetown, CalTech, Northwestern, Cornell, Dartmouth, Penn, Vanderbilt, MIT, Notre Dame, Rice, U. of Chicago, & Johns Hopkins University."