The Discover feed is not algorithmic, it's based on the follows of people you follow and the "show less like this" function is dumber than dog shit. I learned this when I mass-followed a shitposter list and my Discover feed became illustrated furry porn and gay thirst traps. Anyway, good luck!
I know that I am saying it's going to be worse since they have foreclosed the possibility mentally of either protest or elected officials doing really anything.
Unfortunately, I think those remaining in the FBI will be right wing loyalists. The CIA is more focused on international concerns and there will be many in our weakened state.
what crazy times we live in
Liberals ❤️ nat sec and police state apparati
Dems can't even hold on to their old base. What used to be their real base. That is now the GOP base.
"Left-wing billionaires bankroll Dem super PAC plotting to win back working-class voters"
this sounds positive given the situation
Lots of realignments happening.
Spoilers ahead
Even "defund" at the core was about removing a workload foisted upon them over time that they were ill-equipped and under-trained to handle.
They liked the Capital Police until January 6th.
That's a big reason why the "back the blue" rhetoric died down so fast.