sonic twitter is stuck in a time loop where every month or two someone posts a screenshot of our videos and says “this ruined sonic….” because a random person made a poorly timed reference and then for two days straight everyone argues about it. i’m so tired.
Arin is no longer Sonic Ambassador
Is healing
Sonic had such a bad run for like a decade straight, so a lot of people (myself included) chose to forget about the series entirely.
I, for one, love it.
Many things have been written off on taxes and can never be aired or used again legally.
Such a mystery. Can't place my finger on why.
Why do they call themselves hardcore gamers is beyond me...
You are one of my personal like, fan casting for one of the comic characters, Tangle the Lemur.
But they fail to realize, or are being purposely ignorant of the fact, that the abridged is made out of their love for the franchise.
Sorry people always take things too far.
Keep your head held high Penny. 💙
Everyone was CONSTANTLY arguing about something dumb and insignificant like, every week.
One week could be quill length, another could be Ian Flynn, who knows!
It's more peaceful here, thankfully.
Then again it's Xwitter we're talking about
I just know some sonic Twitter people are probably punching the air right now because they can't do their weekly thread rants on Ian's response since they been cut off from their source of food lol
also i cant see how your videos ruined sonic :p
Yeah there'll always been nice and cool folks in the fandom but... they can't out-shout the jerks.
yes the funny haha joke is i just posted an image of sonic T hedgehog yes thats the joke, kills you with my evil mind powers
Unfortunately, a lot of super popular abridged/dub series cause a very specific and loud part of fandom to come out and say it ruined it.🙃
It's a YouTube joke series it's not that deep
I thought your gags and jokes were hilarious and I sometimes quote them with my friends. Don't let the twitter people make you feel bad about what you do, they have no idea what they're talking about 99% of the time
That's literally half the explanation (or more) right there. Pay it no mind.
You mean like people say about sonic fans in general, or most fandoms in general? Seems like some pretty selective outrage to me idk.
How anyone enjoys discussing anything on sonic twt is beyond me
In my honest opinion the fandub helped bring interest back into Sonic.
The real problem is Twitter. Get out of there, the toxicity is not worth it.
like can those people really not handle the concept of “having fun”???
RTF was an inspiration to me, and it gave my old Twitter a sort of 'second wind' for a bit, and I have listened to Sonic Destruction more times than I want to count.
assholes like THEM are why the fandom is so toxic, not cause you made a funny video series
my gf and i quote you all the time lol
lijke sonic is so cuiol
I credit the dubs and Fadel specifically with changing the perception of Sonic fans from ravenous weirdos to passionate creatives