I'll know in a couple months. Our sessions are once a month and run 8-10 hours of play-time (10-12 hours total). We're 95% done with Ch9. About to start the final chapter. I give it 1-2 sessions to finish. We started in June 2023.
So... 160ish hours from start to finish for Secrets of the Ancients?
So... 160ish hours from start to finish for Secrets of the Ancients?
We'd already made characters specifically for SotA and played a 'get to know them adventure' before Mysteries even released.
I explain it further in my SotA Campaign Diary intro vid https://youtu.be/NriuGyS94aY
One does not need to watch the Prequels to enjoy the far superior Original Trilogy.
Secrets of the Ancients doesn't need or benefit from a prequel