Your thread of songs was, no joke, my favorite thing ever on Twitter. I sing them to myself constantly. "Evans Family Barrels dot com/when you got some shit to put in a barrel!"
Every time we watched an episode of H&CF, Chris would do an interpretive dance to the opening credits that, for some reason, always concluded with him at attention and saluting.
Love that you’re yes-anding your way through life Mr. T.
PS, I hope you had PF Flyers when you were a wee’n, and told your friends that you owned the company.
I have never seen this show and your theme song makes me realize I have no idea what the show is about. It is apparently nothing like what I’d assumed.
Love it. Was saying the other day that it’s a shame Reacher doesn’t have a theme song so if you ever want to make more themes there’s one in desperate need.
Ok I was gonna leave a snarky reply. Then you hit that high note, and the world re-organized around me. I remain in unworthy. I remain your fan. Can I have some money?
Watch out minds, she’ll chase you down
Whoa-oa, here she comes
She’s a Mindhunter
But I post a video of Ted Cruz calling himself an insufferable twat...nothing. NOTHING. I suck at this.
Now I need to see you two perform it together.
this man is comedy and comedy is medicine.
PS, I hope you had PF Flyers when you were a wee’n, and told your friends that you owned the company.
🌴 🚘🍹
and catch fiyaaa 🔥