Stephen King saying “capital punishment is complex” doesn’t mean that it is. Maybe you also think clowns actually turn into big space spiders because he typed it
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Going after the writer of The Green Mile as some sort of wicked person who has no idea of the complexities of capital punishment when the story is literally about the complexities of capital punishment, is not a great way to show you understand what irony is.
… they defeated the evil FIRST, then they started fucking each other in the sewer because they forgot where the exit was and they thought it might help
And we know for a fact they get it wrong A LOT more .1% of the time.
Trump and Musk's dismantling of USAID, and the pain, illness, suffering it caused, have made me reconsider. The intentional barbarism is so cruel that I do want vengeance.
And yet I know capital punishment isn't right.
And I know the history of the death penalty in the US.
I know that capital punishment is used to kill black men and is historically a racist practice.
And that's what I hate the most, right now.
I want the death penalty for these monsters that are treasonously desecrated the already false good name of my country. And for the US' past sins, we were still international allies with other democracies.
'I think the government should not execute people, but our law enforcement officers should have qualified immunity if they can demonstrate they felt their life was in danger.'
The complexity of it is the error rate on conviction.
Here is a vial of poison; I didn't kill you, you killed ~yourself~"
you can't execute an innocent person if you don't execute anyone
and, quite frankly, the existence of the many executed prisoners who have been exonerated posthumously reveals that our system, in its current form, is irredeemably evil
Gotta say, 2025 is rough, but seeing a “The state has a monopoly on violence!” version of PFT is a nice silver lining. Paul, you might like Chomsky’s short *On Anarchism*… left anarchism isn’t what it sounds like!
I mean you are now. I'm judging you a LOT for how fucking weird you're being! you didn't even explain how it's not a child orgy! not that I want to know, because again: you're weird.
Certainly we can allow some room for nuance and not resort to pot shots. I love you. I wouldn't demean your opinion due to you appearing on Real Time, for example
Check mate, atheists
There is no justice in state sanctioned murder.
Risk of an innocent being murdered but the state is too great. ✌️
Paul is on the right side of history.