Bite your tongue Irish the word just in that context is surrender. Human Rights and the rights of our Mother earth are everything and they are not up for discussion they were issued to us the day we were born as were our obligations to respect those rights
Religious people don't realize that if Jesus were alive they would label him a woke socialist and ridicule him for wanting to love thy neighbor as thyself.
Fun fact; “woke” has been around since the 1930s. To quote Wikipedia: “[it] has since the 1930s or earlier been used to refer to awareness of social or political issues affecting African Americans, often in the construction of ‘stay woke’.” I highly recommend reading the whole article!
Basically it’s being polite and that’s not a bad thing, you’ll find these anti woke seem to be immature and feel they have a right to spew hate it’s their ‘free speech’
I was woke before it was called woke. I’m proud to care about my fellow humans (most of them, anyway). I try to surround myself with like minded people because, as the old saying goes, mean people suck.
While the mass of right-wingers who oppose "wokeness" are doing so in bad faith, there are those of us who oppose some of "woke ideology" on good faith grounds. Specifically, assuming anyone who disagrees with you must be evil. I disagree with pomo epistemology but am in favor of human rights.
The problem is "they" want stratification of human rights along the lines of race, colour and wealth. It is becoming clear many of them believe they are more human than others.
I still think it's mad when someone says woke and means it as a negative thing. Probably the same people who used to pick on kids at school because they had the audacity to be intelligent or studious
Being "woke" sort of implies you are awake. The opposite of that is asleep which is a rather pathetic way to go through life. I strive to be called woke!
I've always done this. It's scary how many people are woke-opposed. Basically, they want to ignore being aware of social injustice. Or they just don't know or care what it means.
I listened to a discussion today where a person was asked to define “woke” after he’d used it as derogatory. 1) he could not define it 2) he asked if woke is in the dictionary
I never understood how “woke”took on this negative meaning when in actuality, the opposite would be “asleep” eyes closed. You know the thing toddlers do when they think you can’t see them✌️
Black people started using this expression to mean that they were aware of how the system denied them rights that white people had. It's like "wake up and smell the coffee." A good example would be "red-lining"certain neighborhoods where people could not easily get home loans from a bank.
Just an fyi one of musks 11 children with 3 different women is Trans she's dropped the name musk and him he says its cause she's woke and they call him a genius
"Woke" is a lot of things actually. Human rights, people of other races/ethnicities, LGBTQ+ people, Women... The guys complaining about "wokeness" aren't good people.
I've read that many so-called Christians are just now realizing that Jesus was/is woke, and they don't like it. They have chosen to follow Trump, not Jesus, anyway.
What’s strikes me is that the Jesus as rebel reading is one of the most popular/ well trodden readings of the Bible. Social activism is baked into the Christian worldview. But American Christianity prefers the Jesus as conqueror reading instead. The reading that is explicitly rejected in scripture.
I saw the same thing, and i was awestruck! They thought that Jesus was weak so they chose the Orange Clown because he represented strength (in their eyes).
They'd call him a groomer.
Always has been and always will be.