Musk will be the architect of his own undoing.His astounding arrogance and over estimation of himself has put him in a position to be hated by friend and foe alike.It’ll be interesting to see his frenetic little dance when the mob comes for him and they will come it’s just which side organizes first
They have Fort Knox. They have trillions in assets. They have our reserves. We, as a nation own all of that. It is property of United States citizens, not Trump Incorporated.
Isn’t Fort Knox and the fed reserve only a fraction of the value of our currency? I agree with you and it certainly doesn’t belong to fElon Musk the Nazi Apartheid Enthusiast, Rocket Launching Amateur, and Rolling Dumpster designer extraordinaire.
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The gold held at Fort Knox, representing roughly 56.35% of the United States' total gold reserves, does not directly back the U.S. currency, as the U.S. dollar is not officially tied to gold anymore, according to Wikipedia.
Skumbag is very sick in the head. You might feel sorry for him if it weren't for the fact he's destroying people's livelihoods and endorsing dangerous far-right politics. And he's a total dickhead.
You guys have really got to start stepping up with all the crap MAGA, DOGE, Musk and Felon47 are pulling. You've got 20 months until the mid terms when you need to wipe the red states off the map, impeach Trump, arrest him, jail him and start getting the country back to some semblance of normal.
The only people he didn't con were the regulators, and now that he has conned his way into control of the government he has to destroy the regulators first.
Absolutely right. This can be shown at every step of his real biography. A born rich conman who used his money to elbow actual creators out of their companies and claim credit for their inventions. Using fantastic lies to beguile investors, win govt contracts, tax breaks, and tilt the stock market.
Actually, I've been giving this a lot of thought. What difference is there between the top 1% and the pre Civil War plantation class? I don't see much difference. Ultra rich and the rest of us.
Except we have NO actual proof that he's a billionaire either, other than his amoral, unethical, and criminal behaviour matching that of the true parasite class of Robber Barons.
Please take over your limp party. This is not the time for feckless impotent leadership and the Democratic Party is failing your country and my country Canada 🇨🇦. I haven’t heard a peep from you about your disgraceful treatment of another sovereign country.
I agree. This guy buys into tech companies, then claims that it's "his" company and has everyone believe that the technology is his. He's a billionaire fraud.
The question isn't so much whether some Dems state the astoundingly bleedin' obvious, more how many of them do so and how organised they are in doing it.
Thanks for telling it like it is. He didn’t even really make his money. His father gave it to him from his mines. He’s just like Trump. I want to be with no real skills.
He's a lucky investor and a talented self-promoter, and that's about it... Anyone who ever, even briefly, considered him some kind of geniu visionary was duped (I'm looking at you, season 1 of Star Trek: Discovery)
AOC led the fight for 15$ when it passed the bar she used to work at had to close it couldn’t afford the 15$ and she went to celebrate with her old co workers who she just cost the jobs of…….. not someone very bright
True that. And AOC is tough enough & smart enough to say it.
But remember - there is nothing Trump won't sell out and no one he won't betray. When he thinks he needs a scapegoat, he'll dump Elon and won't look back.
If the whole strategy to beat MAGA is built around Musk, it won't hold up.
Legacy media using its same MO of pushing idiots on us and making them appear as if they are geniuses, kinda of how they pushed the myth that trump who has always been a con as a successful businessman
Gotta love this thread. Either he really thinks terraforming mars is a thing, in which case he is both delusional and a dumbass, or he is just selling the Mars timeshare thing to bilk the rubes. Either way, any money given to him or his companies will never come back to you. It is all a ponzi scheme
Two con men runny rampage over your constitutional rights and ripping the USA economy to shreds for self interest, if anyone is still insane to think they are saving the USA money , Trump created a huge national debt
We are in this position because of lies spread by conspiracy theorists, racists, bigots and nationalists who weaponize religious freedom to attack innocent communities. You need to divest. Stop giving #meta #airbnb #X #tesla #musk #maga #prime #amazon #uber
Scammed, figured out how to scam to obtain/own successful things, wrung the money out of them to make him insanely rich, and then became truly insane. Too much of anything will do that… along with ketamine.
All you have to do is listen to the way he talks about vaccines. He sounds like a child, probably on the level of a 5th grader or younger, who forgot to do the assignment and is now desperately trying to wing the report in front of the class.
I agree that she maybe needed a lint roller before this shot but yeah I mean sure, Elon is human scum and ought to be made to swim the Atlantic. I thought that was obvious 2 years ago.
The left follows Bill Nye and Greta like they know everything but just a few conservatives give their opinions and they jump on them like they just stole your lunch. Liberals have their own unqualified voices too.
Be careful what you wish for. Musk could put all his energy into Tesla and it won’t make up for the fact he has revealed himself to be a bigoted Nazi sympathizer. Tesla investors should be asking for his resignation, but the stain of this man will never go away.
Musk was a money supply who worked on “design” for the Tesla. Their vehicles have basically stayed the same since introduced and have not real plans of changing. Why do they need him?
I had Tesla stock many years ago because I saw the potential of EVs. After watching his insane behavior for about 6 months I dumped that stock like a hot potato.
He's illegally perpetrating massive fraud, canceling contracts including ones where the money has already been spent (but now there's no results), ending programs that were established by law, and inflating the "savings" he reports. The country is weaker, poorer, and worse off for his tyranny.
The knock-on effects on the economy of having thousands of skilled people out of work and now competing for a more crowded job market, plus the companies and contractors that have to downsize because the money they're owed is held up by an unelected technocrat... it's a disaster.
No money is being "saved". Whole swathes of the economy are being dismantled, and the rule of law is being suspended on the whims of one egotistical man who doesn't even understand the products he supposedly builds, much less the programs he's slashing.
No, it's all documented, and nothing else would make a lick of sense if you thought about it. He's explained - even bragged about - his approach. What money did he save? Where?
There is very little fraud waste and abuse, he's firing thousands of people who actually work at protecting the environment, food safety, air safety, etc
It's the biggest scam the world has ever seen. The majority of NGO's are just grifts at the expense of the tax payer. It's really not difficult to understand.
You mean he talks a lot of bs.
Show us the written proof, spreadsheets of the actual so called fraud. I need to see real evidence, not just words and accusations.
President Trump no longer desires to be the President of the United States. He stood with Elon Musk today and relinquished all powers to him! Let's help Trump with his dilemna...IMPEACH TRUMP! DEPORT ELON! TREASON!
Elon is on the autism spectrum? Nice to know this regime is all good with that. Now, are they all good with others on the spectrum? Hope so or hello, hypocrites
you all need to stop making him sound like some rich evil mastermind, he’s an incel and a nazi and an absolute moron, and if he didn’t have money he’d be dead already just from his own sheer stupidity. which i’m hoping still happens and soon.
He is awful in many ways but he built two amazing companies (Tesla, Space X). Tesla stock is sinking because he’s politically toxic not because they don’t make great cars.
He was not the founder of Tesla but he definitely scaled the company to what it is today and showed that electric cars don’t need to be like golf carts
And he's a citizen under false pretenses, is he not? Broke the law the day he arrived and didn't go to school. Send him back. I doubt Canada will take him back so South Africa it will have to be.
Recently GOP representatives got on FOX to stroke his ego. One said he had an UNFATHOMABLY HUGE IQ I think it was like 76 or something. Pretty big for MAGAs tbh ngl.
Elon's dad had a stepdaughter, brought her up since she was 4, and when she was older, his dad married her. With parents like that, Elon was NEVER going to be taught the value and importance of humanity and compassion.
Is that true!? He married the girl he raised as adopted daughter!? That example of fatherhood would make a 200-year-old vampire kick open his casket at high noon... what can we expect from the son that we haven't seen yet?
See if you can find a summary of Elon's biography. (I wouldn't want to buy it and enrich his wallet or ego.) Apparently, he loses his temper and goes into "demon mode"and then doesn't remember what he did while in it. He said his father abused him emotionally.
He sounds like a horror movie waiting to be written... I do see that the San Francisco Public Library has a number of books about him... I wouldn't want to put a penny in his pocket either.
This has always been obvious. Engineers study engineering and understand engineering. Scientists study science and understand science. Musk has not studied either one and has no fucking clue about either one. Case in point... he thinks he's going to Mars in two years. LOL
Recently, Elmo was hanging out with Jared Kushner & the Saudis at the World Cup last year.
* Saudis co-own Twitter/X
* Saudis gave Ivanka $100 million
* Saudis gave Mnuchin $1 BILLION
* Saudis paid tRUMP millions to host LIV golf
* Saudis gave Jared $2 BILLION!
He's low life born in a wealthy family, and his own resentment for being bullied in the past, is just a BS excuse to make the worst of it, conning people and take advantage of the less privileged. He also is a coketamine addicted and very dangerous to the rest of the world. He won't live long though
He invented nothing. All of what he owns were the brains of those he purchased his businesses from. I don't believe he's a genius; no genius goes in front of a camera and gaslights the public w/ obvious lies. I'm not a genius but I can spot a liar in the first minute.
Musk just buys other people’s work and passes it off as his own. He does not build or design or create a damn thing. He markets himself well and has convinced people he’s a genius. He’s just a spoiled rich baby throwing a tantrum because he can’t get his way following rules.
Elon Musk only has the reputation he has because Carl Sagan was right.
American scientific literacy is now in the toilet and Musk is a bottom feeder who profits from that ignorance.
Lot of that going around in conservative circles. The president, cabinet, megachurch pastors, in Congress and the Senate, sitting on the bench. This country has been deeply corrupted.
Maga is in a major attack mode spreading misinformation on AOC in news outlets. Mainly old rehashed garbage they are trying to recycle. They are scared of Americans waking up and they should be, fight back against their bullshit.
Sadly that leads to many men thinking they can get away with cons/scams ... absolutely not accountability never held responsible for his vitriolic foul behaviour of the the worse kind protected initially by parents & now fellow facists from SA. All sociopathic narcissistic cronies magats magnet 💩💩
He’s a taker. He buys businesses and fires people. His concern is not people oriented it seems. I’ve heard Tesla currently has almost no interfacing with customers after the sales of their vehicles.
IMO, bitcoin is the new Ponzi scheme…bitcoin reached its most useful purpose when you could buy weed off SilkRoad.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025, APRIL 15 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
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The gold held at Fort Knox, representing roughly 56.35% of the United States' total gold reserves, does not directly back the U.S. currency, as the U.S. dollar is not officially tied to gold anymore, according to Wikipedia.
The question isn't so much whether some Dems state the astoundingly bleedin' obvious, more how many of them do so and how organised they are in doing it.
Not a government expert. Not an accounting expert.
He’s a greedy insecure idiot junkie who needs a hard lesson which I hope he gets soon.
But remember - there is nothing Trump won't sell out and no one he won't betray. When he thinks he needs a scapegoat, he'll dump Elon and won't look back.
If the whole strategy to beat MAGA is built around Musk, it won't hold up.
While on a cocktail of drugs probably.
robber baron: a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices
My best guess is that he realized SpaceX would never make Mars by 2030's, became depressed, and started using drugs.
It's always been about Mars and the money💯
Show us the written proof, spreadsheets of the actual so called fraud. I need to see real evidence, not just words and accusations.
Be a Jay Graber. ☺️👍
He didn't build the company, he invested in an idea he thought would make hum money
This is who should be leading the Dems.
To quote the film The Core, feel free to throw up, I know I do
the real world probably
is very hard to cope for them
maybe even traumatic
* Saudis co-own Twitter/X
* Saudis gave Ivanka $100 million
* Saudis gave Mnuchin $1 BILLION
* Saudis paid tRUMP millions to host LIV golf
* Saudis gave Jared $2 BILLION!
We need everyone in this fight for America. Let’s be inclusive. Tell everyone you know and love, this is a coup and we need to shut Congress down NOW.
Stop the STEAL- Project 2025.
Defend 🇺🇸🗽Law & Order
He's not a Steve Jobs.
He's not an Alan Turing, he's not a Henry Ford.
Hell, he's not even a Doc Emmett Brown!
...he's a charlatan who purchases tech companies and cultivates other people's ideas as his own.
Musk = Billionaire conman;
Trump = penny conman
A real trillionaire doesn't drive a Cybercuck. He drives a huge jacked-up 4x4 pickup with monster tires that gets 10 feet to the gallon.
American scientific literacy is now in the toilet and Musk is a bottom feeder who profits from that ignorance.