Sorry, make that (3/3). Not only did I not like the change in his personality, I didn't like MYSELF and the person I was becoming being with him. I realized I had to get away and find peace. I still follow QAnon shit but I carefully limit it-otherwise I get so angry I'm no better than them.
(2/2) But in the about eighteen month period before I finally left him, when I was trying fruitlessly to "save" him or "get him back" as he turned into a 24/7 anger ball from all the right wing rage bait he was consuming-I realized I was becoming just as bad. Angry 24/7. Mean to innocent bystanders
(1/2) You have to take breaks. Get away, find your source of peace, do whatever. I know I sound trite, but seriously you MUST find a way to take a break. I speak from experience. In 2021 I divorced my husband (yes I'm a guy) after he went into the QAnon mind virus and became someone I didn't know.
I’m really struggling with this. I know I’m in the minority of people who follow politics, but everything that is happening seemed so obvious and yet here we are…
We were 8 years ahead of you in the UK when the right wing idiots here voted for Brexit. Basically they voted to make it more difficult to trade with our closest neighbours and make everything more difficult for us. Nothing surprises me any more.
People (if there are people) will look back on this and the US won't be remembered for anything but being the dumbest country in human history. And we'll deserve it.
I’ve been mad at them since 2016. I hated them slightly less for the last four years but it’s ticked back up and beyond what I felt last time. THIS TIME, they had more warnings. There was no surprise. He said what he’d do. Musk even told them they’d tank the economy. And they still supported him.
The stupid are loud, the smart are quiet. Gotta go out and seek those that have been drowned out by the noise and chaos. Theres more than you would believe, cause ya know the idiots keep distracting