This is what all that training was for, the day of prophecy came for in when carrying all the groceries wasn't a mere feat that you chose to overcome and now a feat that you were ready to take on. For a trip from car is an option, a trip of 3 blocks is the need. You are a hero of bags now!
Getchu a military surplus rucksack. I found an old US one that can fit 2 week's worth of groceries. Even more if I bring a couple bags for my hands.
Spreads the weight real nice, doesn't kill my shoulders or back
Since they started charging for bags in my state and being a one tripper myself I started using one of these. I have a neighbor who has a deathstranding esque harness they use for theirs but they work for instacart.
My low poly count bun, get reusable recycled plastic bags. They make up for themselves with 50 uses plus you can carry more with just two hands and not bogging down your arms with several small bags.
I feel like this would be a variation of that Do Not Watch video, but instead of Bunlith screaming about sex, it's her carrying several bags of groceries at once while "You Say Run" plays in the background
💙I use to make two trips in one day with a military surplus duffel bag because I didn’t wanna pay for a ride share. It was about the same distance but I quickly learned maybe 10 dollars was worth the ride home to not carry 6 cases of soda.
Used to do that on my longboard lol. I got great at balancing until I realized I could just put the bags on the board and pull it along with some rope, haha!
In college I didn't have a car and the grocery store was 3 miles from my apartment. It did not stop me from getting 4 cases of soda when they went on sale.
Spreads the weight real nice, doesn't kill my shoulders or back in trouble.
I hope your fingers heal as fast as Deku's do after this!
My ass was DEAD
Heck yeah I can feel the trips reducing with every flex.
literally my ass having to walk 1.5 miles after a shift at walmart back home cuz i couldn't drive