Labour to release video footage of deportations today.
Is akin to the Go Home vans?
No, it’s akin to Donald Trump.
If Trumpist hate turns you off NOW is the time to tell them so.
Is akin to the Go Home vans?
No, it’s akin to Donald Trump.
If Trumpist hate turns you off NOW is the time to tell them so.
A disappointed constituent, Penarth
Labour appears to have no official presence on Bluesky as a party.
That. Speaks. Volumes.
Why not footage of them closing down tax havens? Seizing private jets?
Wind forward & immigration is down to low thousands, what are reform voters going to do when they still can’t get a job, NHS appointment, a mortgage & energy bills are still too high!!
Immigrants aren’t the problem!
Also processing asylum claims...
If they were to work with France and create a safe and sensible system, it would sort this out...
In other news, this is good.
Labour Strategist B: "How about going full hard-right on immigration?"
Labour Strategist A: "Eureka!"
Yes. Into the BNP
Are they falling foul of racial incitement and harassment law themselves?
The Conservatives, Labour & the Lib Dems are just Tories with different colour rosettes!
Keep up the good work Zoe. Right now your sensible & knowledgeable voice is essential to any discussion on the issue of immigration.
No wonder the WhatsApp bigots and misogynists feel comfortable in the space Starmer sanctions.
And it is performative
I’m not lying when I say we are a huge and vital group of voters to Labour. They have to fear us leaving to have any chance they’ll change course.
I'd love it if it backfired so spectacularly (because of Brexit and Trump) that the Greens got in. Then we could see some real change!
The Tories are tied down to supporting austerity. Labour are enacting austerity. The LibDems say they won't and have put forward plans so they don't have to.
Of the three on austerity, the LibDems would seem the best bet, wouldn't you say?
They came in search of a better life, as we probably all would in their shoes.
What the hell are they doing, seriously?!!!
What a disgrace
To stay in power, Labour needs to appeal to non-Labour people. That includes voters who want to see Govt action to reduce immigration.
Footage of deportations is proof Labour is tackling the issue.
But Labour can afford to lose progressive votes to the Liberal Democrats & the Greens. It doesn't want to lose votes to former Tory voters & potential Reform voters.
It also needs to deprive rabid right wing newspapers of easy attack lines regarding immigration.
I’m so disappointed in them.
This stops Reform claiming Labour ignores illegal immigrants.
Refugees are an entirely separate group of people.
Are they too busy on X to bother with Bluesky folk? Are they treating Bluesky with the contempt they usually reserve for pro-EU voters?
Your racist red meat is going to stink to high heaven by 2029.
They know they'll get more push back here, so are too chicken to switch from X. Plus, they're now the Nasty Party, so fit well over there. Emily Thornberry is on here but of course blocked me! That's new Labour.
A choice between three Racist Right parties is all that we’re being offered by the horrible London political-media class