Cutting benefits payments *specifically* for people deemed unable to work due to illness or disability is a genuinely shocking choice from Labour.
Aside from the incredibly obvious moral horror of it, it shows how our economy is set up all wrong. #r4today
Aside from the incredibly obvious moral horror of it, it shows how our economy is set up all wrong. #r4today
How many more people nearing retirement age with health issues can't retire because of increased retirement age and have no option but to get signed off work.
She's way out there to the right.
That's what they're saying. The poorest and most vulnerable people in our society are liars who deserve to be poorer.
Shit country.
Why the f**k are the rank & file Labour membership not up in arms about this?
This is wilful gross negligence by the Labour Party. The lessons are there, loud and clear but government refuses to heed them.
Make no mistake, that's a political choice. They could have chosen to tax the richest 5%. Instead they chose to pick on the most vulnerable
Deadly too and, as someone who works in Mental Health, I'll be around to see it be so.
Just vile.
People with disabilities, the long-term sick, single parents, etc - none of these groups should live in poverty. They should be able to depend on the state for a good quality of life #r4today
No. I don’t want to live in a country where we have to generously support those on low pay. I want to live in a country where work pays.
I don’t want to support able working people to pay their bills, I want affordable bills for all. #r4today
Imposing rent controls and capping energy bills, even price controls on food & essentials are not impossible.
Subsidising poverty wages should be seen as the mad idea #r4today
Migrants & asylum seekers have No Recourse to Public Funds - barring them from benefits. If you’re low paid AND foreign, well you’re just screwed. #r4today
The welfare cutters always say work should pay:
Make wages reflect the cost of living then. #r4today
The crumbling welfare state & visible inequality is being exploited by the far right to present migrants as a scapegoat.
They act like they want it to get worse. #r4today
I've abandoned them. Labour no longer represents my views enough to vote for them.
Not a Labour Party I recognise
Hasn’t been for a while
“For public services to run properly EVERYONE needs to contribute…We want millionaires, billionaires and companies who don't pay ANY tax, to pay a fair share…We want windfall taxes levied.” #WealthTax