I was worried they'd try to pull back how opaque some of the items/quests were from the original when they said they were making a big budget sequel. But then hey here's an item that screams to be used and good luck on guessing what for. 10 out of 10 game, imo.
in the first game this item was critical to almost every "Get over powered early" strategy haha, only it was Maker's arrow in the first one but I wonder if that wasn't a mistake given the new name.
If they make it like the Ancient Arrows of Zelda Breath of the Wild, I can see it bring balanced. Enemies you use it on do not drop souls or drop items and have their saves deleted.
They had an arrow like that in the first one. I had a theory on what to try it on in the first one, which very abruptly worked, and looked it up afterwards to find a bunch of guides saying very not to do that