What every trans person said, they will come for all women next. soon it’s cis gays too and poc. We have to start fighting together against those fascists
I'm sure all the foaming-at-the-mouth unmarried MAGA males who support this have not quite clicked that it would mean no sex for them as well. As ever, they refuse to connect cause with effect.
I sometimes find it difficult to discern whether certain statements and positions are feminist or 'moral majority' 1980's style conservatism. E.g. the drive for higher conviction rates + longer sentencing, the banning of pornography, cracking down on violent video games & attitudes to casual sex.
Removing your sisters’ autonomy is called misogyny, not feminism. I loathe the way they try misappropriate words they’re fundamentally programmed to be offended by.
It would be interesting to know what the overall variance in female behavior is due to the birth control. Having extra hormones added to one’s diet can not be expected to be completely consequence free.
But nobody is trying to force them to engage in recreational sex, are they? If they don't like it, they can just not do it, can't they? I don't want to have sex with her, and I haven't historically been the choosiest. 🤷
Like ya and all, but the big problem with their spiel is they're doing all the stuff they are claiming is nefarious behind closed doors. These 'conservatives' tend to be the biggest freaky deakies going with their sexual predilections.
I should whisper this… 🤫
what you mean like some so called Christians or clergy*? Some of the Christians I’ve met are the most unforgiving, judgy & spiteful individuals ever. *Sorry if you’re an upstanding, kind Christian or member of the church! 🥴
That is GOP bullsh*, they preach but don’t practice what they preach. Boebert is one example and all the GOP rapists, sexual assaults on underage girls, paying for sex like Gaetz and the list goes on and on.
So "Get Politics Out of the Bedroom and Politicians' Bedrooms Out of Politics" https://www.huffpost.com/entry/get-politics-out-of-the-b_b_222370
was 13 years ago. Wish someone had listened, especially the latter one - keep Politicians' Bedrooms Out of Politics.
It would seem to me, if they were so concerned with the "consequentiality of sex," they wouldn't be voting for a convicted sex offender who tries to appoint pedophiles as Attorney General and date rapists as Secretary of Defense or appointing them to the Supreme Court.
The Heritage Foundation is a US conservative think tank that created the monstrous Project 2025. Trump plans to let it loose on the day of his inauguration. 20 January 2025 is also the day he becomes the US' first dictator.
And yet people still think they can be debated with, that they can be convinced to see things differently. We need to stop enabling these fucking crazy people.
The favorite pastime activity for conservatives seems to be taking the fun out of life, and injecting their morally bankrupt religion into all aspects of life.
I hate that people like this are going to force me to spell out to people in daily life that freedom literally means being allowed to choose not to have sex or children. It was understood but noooooo now our beloved leaders slapped "feminism" on it, my GOD.
Sounds like the "Southern white women" crying on YouTube about countering the 4B movement and accusing the left of wanting to jump them. They're completely unhinged.
Yet we are witnessing in real time the scandal of the sexual assault claims in ways not before seen in government. In truth this is slavehouse mentality. A mentality slowly but surely being chiseled away by strong and powerful women. More please.
Like the saying goes, every accusation is a confession with these folks. They talk about drivel like 'leftist gaslighting', 'postmodernism gone mad', etc, but they also insist they're pro-liberty, and that this kind of social authoritarianism isn't at odds with that. Consummate doublethink.
How is that in any way feminist? They distort everything. I have many issues with the pill and its effects but the impact of effective birth control on women’s lives has been incredible. Women have been able to be more independent and more in control of their own lives.
Do these 'cooks' really think recreational sex is a relatively new thing or are they trying to invent the idea that sex is for procreational purposes only, reserved for women prepared to give up their financial and social independence to wholly inadequate conservative men.
Dear God I am glad I am not young now, therefore do not have to rely on
contraceptives. Life is about enjoying yourself, however you so wish, and with whomever you want.
These Heritage people aren't getting any, are they? If they are, I imagine it's uncomfortable, fumble-filled, incompetent, probably a bit angry and deeply unsatisfying. I would also suggest they think orgasms are a lefty myth...
I remember what it was like before we had the pill. Awful times. In the 1970s I had a colleague who got pregnant to a married man and her parents put her out. Her civil service supervisor got her into a mother and baby home. Her baby was taken from her and adopted. So sad.
Women who talk like this honestly scare me. Where is your individual feeling of self worth? You don’t need men to approve of you, need them in your lives and frankly if you want to go have sex, do it on your terms!
The endgame of the Heritage Foundation is a return to the time when unmarried women were the legal property of their fathers and married women were the legal property of their husbands.
They may not be open about it, but it's obvious if you read between the lines.
They're retards!
It just occured to e - is there a similar campaign within the conservative male population to stop wearing condoms?
They believe to much into the Good book and sex is only for marriage and for procreation only.
In other words their jealous us leftys get laid and they can't.
Bottom line.
Sore ears.
It’s about them having power over what you can, and can’t, do.
what you mean like some so called Christians or clergy*? Some of the Christians I’ve met are the most unforgiving, judgy & spiteful individuals ever. *Sorry if you’re an upstanding, kind Christian or member of the church! 🥴
Think of the categories women are sorted into: Wives; econowives; Handmaids; Marthas; Aunts; Jezebels.
Jezebels are for sex - kept in brothels.
Wives are for child-rearing.
Handmaid's produce those children.
was 13 years ago. Wish someone had listened, especially the latter one - keep Politicians' Bedrooms Out of Politics.
You mean you can only have sex as long as you don't enjoy it or it's business...?
Isn't that just great! 👀
This disgusting need to
Control women and reproductive rights.
It's Gilead.
Will she come bursting into your bedroom to confirm why you are having sex perhaps
It's vaguely familiar.
I can't even get a woman to go for a coffee and chat,her choice of venue, I'd even pay, cake extra! 😅
What exactly is the true purpose of sex according to them?
lol, nazi prudes.
contraceptives. Life is about enjoying yourself, however you so wish, and with whomever you want.
Do you have a link or timestamp?
They may not be open about it, but it's obvious if you read between the lines.