It's absolutely awful what the f**king Tories have done to it in just 14 years. It's not as bad here in Scotland, but it's truly heartbreaking what has happened in England.
When I recently had a ct and mri scan both times I lay there thinking how much would this cost in America. Also how much is this costing the NHS. Maybe someone could enlighten me
The average price in Thailand is $14,000 and the surgeons will have been trained in the same facilities as the guys in the USA. It can be as low as $8,000. The hospitals in Bangkok are like 5 star hotels. I'm speaking from experience.
And this is the US model that every bought off politician is pushing!
Privatisation of health is morally corrupt in every situation.
Extra tax for the rich is still cheaper than medical insurance.
Or just have worked for a bit and have free Spanish nhs or be like the missus and pay 60€ a month to access the Spanish system as a communidad valenciana resident
Shit! Wish I had known. I spent $30,000 for a new hip becuz I didn’t want to suffer for a year waiting for ‘free’ one from province. Could have had a damn holiday too! 😏
Where is that overcharge going? And also; why are Insurance Company CEO salaries so high? And also; how much is an aspirin when you buy it from a hospital?????
It was close to 100k to have a pacemaker with defibrillator implanted a few years back. Close to a million June 2023 for five hr surgery at University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Crazy!
Malta here.
Just finished prostate cancer treatment.
Radiotherapy & drugs several years.
Agreement with UK between countries so the same cost as the UK.
No waiting list & high tech.
Cost €0.
This week oncologist confirms cancer free.
Two years monitoring now and hormone injections.
Cost €0.
Possibly, the costs would be similar. Spain may actually be a little more. Depends on rent, tutor’s hourly rate, how fast you run, and a variety of other factors.
Just do it, so. We have great doctors in Europe and we have one of the best lifestyle on the world (in Italy and Spain). We just wait people like you to join us in our trip called life.
If you want out of the corporate he'll hole it's time to start open sourcing manufacturing design and pooling cash to setup 3d printing coop shops to execute those designs
You insurers probably pay a lot less for the hip replacement than Americans too and should also offer the service (if that assumption holds true) to help further reduce your insurance payments
Myself and my wife are retired Federal employees and we get all drugs free with no co-pays, 80% dental and 80% eyeglasses covered for the approximate $120 per month. Politicians in the USA call this socialism, we call it a benefit.
Another option is to move to Canada and after living here 4 to 6 months qualify for heath care. Cost may be as high as $120/month.
I've had a hip and knee total replacement and scheduled for another hip now. No additional cost to me. American health care is like a leach on everyone.
Yes, but think of the profits and the returns to shareholders.
I mean, why do we even have healthcare systems? It isn’t because of sick people, is it!!
My husband has Medicare and still got his hips done in Mexico. Each one was about $6000 including hospital Anesthesiologist, etc. Same prosthetic they would use in the states.
Why Madrid? Why choose the capital? I worked in Spain, Cataluña for 2 yrs. You can rent an apartment or house quite cheaply. Madrid is even quite affordable if you don’t live near Puerta Del Sol , El Retiro... I’m in poverty here due to medical bills & mutilple denials for disability. #Yabasta
Had my right hip replaced in Exeter 6 weeks ago.
It's life changing!
Brilliant care and after care follow up.
If I lived in the US I would be either bankrupt because of the costs or looking forward to a life of disability!
I don’t even know what the US are doing. In Portugal (far from a rich country), we pay our taxes but our national public health system pays for all these operation. If it’s an emergency, it is immediate; if not, if the waiting list is longer than 6/12 months, the private sector does it. No extras.
you have to compromise to pay a bit more in taxes, but everybody’s covered. One year your family benefits, other’s will later.
Whatever you do, don’t glorify a kid that killed, in cold blood, someone on the back.
It’s almost like whitewashing crimes by MAGA shitheads. They too have hard beliefs.
I visited Costa Rica and was told countless times how they pay nothing for healthcare other than a national premium that’s ~25$ per person. They have higher lifespans and better health outcomes. Their economy is 1/16 of US
They should make an insurance like that, you fly to whatever country get your medical care and stay in a resort for 3 months to recover and then fly home and it is covered by insurance.
I can well believe it. Having lived again in Spain for the last 5 years. I can’t honestly say they have an excellent health service. Obviously because of Brexit we now have to have & pay for Private health ins. Thanks to our Resident cards we have not need to use it. Wonderful Spanish community.
When Michael Moore went to Cuba while filming “Sicko”, the US spent $6-7k/person/year on healthcare while in Cuba, it was $251. A 9/11 volunteer got a $120US inhaler for 3.20 Cuban pesos or about FIVE US CENTS. This was 20yrs or so ago and it’s staggering that such a discrepancy still exists.
I lived in India. There are hotels on the SE coast full of elderly ‘Murcans recovering from hip & knee replacements. It’s 10x cheaper for them to have their surgery & live there for 2 months than having it at home. UK doesn’t have a clue what will hit them once the NHS is gone.
Oh, but they do. And I don’t think it will happen (health care shouldn’t be monetised); the NHS is the sacred cow of all sacred cows here in the UK, so however badly it’s run I doubt it will happen.
Is there any information available on what it would cost Brits if we had private healthcare (and no NHS)?
EG Monthly insurance premiums for individuals and families, costs of prescriptions?
Has anyone calculated or estimated this?
Likewise, how much would Americans pay if they had a NHS?
I'm one of the fortunate people in the US that has excellent health insurance from the company I retired from. I've had 1 hip and both knees replaced. My cost? $50 co pay for each. I have no co pay at all for my regular medical visits. I wish every citizen here had the same.
Yeah, here in Europe we don't pay for private healthcare. It's the reason we pay tax! We get services because health ISN'T and should NEVER BE a commodity.
It sounds like it's random luck aside from inter-state issues of availability I would assume.
I'm not surprised people complain about taxes in the US. I have absolutely no idea what you get for what you pay which is something the electorate should've questioned years ago.
Dems want to help people, but they suck at politics. Rethugs want to help themselves to as much $ as they can get, but are great at politics and dirty tricks. We're in big trouble!
The last time the Tories left the NHS broken, in disarray with massive waiting lists Labour utilised every means at their disposal to get the lists down. This included private hospitals/staff but when the lists were reduced sufficiently everything was brought back ‘in house’.
Or we leave folk to die
My Sister had a hip replacement done. By the NHS. It cost her nothing. In the UK the NHS is funded by Tax & State Pensions are funded by National Insurance. The American system is insane.
The difference in the cost is entirely down to the profit creamed off by people in the chain. That's doctors, hospitals, drug companies, medical equipment and supply companies and of course the insurance company. It's a massive con, and always has been. Yet Americans believe that's the best way.
Even if it was labeled communism, if society is happier with it, it works.
Honestly, literally anything other than the current system in America would be better than privatized healthcare.
Today here in Brazil I bought Rybelsus for $130. (Like Ozempic but in pill form.) Over the counter. In the US it costs $1029. You can buy three at once here. So just that will finance a nice trip to Brazil. (Operations and hospital stays are also cheap and private care is top quality.)
Thank God for the NHS.
We need to make sure it is never sold off to the highest bidder.
Privatisation of health is morally corrupt in every situation.
Extra tax for the rich is still cheaper than medical insurance.
Just finished prostate cancer treatment.
Radiotherapy & drugs several years.
Agreement with UK between countries so the same cost as the UK.
No waiting list & high tech.
Cost €0.
This week oncologist confirms cancer free.
Two years monitoring now and hormone injections.
Cost €0.
You insurers probably pay a lot less for the hip replacement than Americans too and should also offer the service (if that assumption holds true) to help further reduce your insurance payments
I've had a hip and knee total replacement and scheduled for another hip now. No additional cost to me. American health care is like a leach on everyone.
I mean, why do we even have healthcare systems? It isn’t because of sick people, is it!!
It's life changing!
Brilliant care and after care follow up.
If I lived in the US I would be either bankrupt because of the costs or looking forward to a life of disability!
Whatever you do, don’t glorify a kid that killed, in cold blood, someone on the back.
It’s almost like whitewashing crimes by MAGA shitheads. They too have hard beliefs.
But I would go home in a heartbeat for major medical.
But yes.
EG Monthly insurance premiums for individuals and families, costs of prescriptions?
Has anyone calculated or estimated this?
Likewise, how much would Americans pay if they had a NHS?
Hips and knees are 10k plus- a stroke with even just a few weeks in hospital would be 100k plus
Better the money is managed with less corruption and by ppl you can influence!
I'm not surprised people complain about taxes in the US. I have absolutely no idea what you get for what you pay which is something the electorate should've questioned years ago.
Or we leave folk to die
I'm writing this down, since my hip is not down to bone-on-bone yet.
It's F great.
government providing necessary services to its
citizens is NOT communism!
Honestly, literally anything other than the current system in America would be better than privatized healthcare.
Whether or not you have Gov't funded healthcare like Spain, we must cut the administrative costs.