I mean it always kinda has been. If you vote someone into office, by the time you get around to getting rid of them they've already been able to do whatever evil shit they wanted to. Once our govt dipped it's toe in corruption and we didn't literally tar and feather them was the beginning of the end
This is just crying wolf tbh, I will denounce the fascists in power but then you have to learn truth from facts. To suspend rule of law first they close congress and the courts, ban free speech and the right to gather, start executing dissidents to make an example out of them. That’s dictatorship
Not at all. Closing congress would be pretty much the final consolidation. By then, they might not even need to. It could have been thoroughly tamed by then. (Cf Putin)
where did I (or Sumption) say anything like that? the erosion of democratic institutions (which place limits on executive power) is a serious issue. the "good chap" principle is dead and gone
paradoxically, the vagaries of our electoral system and the threat posed by Reform wangling their way to power via minority rule (which is what Labour also did) means that we might finally get a proportional system to keep the far right out
not yet. it still has institutions and processes which (theoretically) limit the power of the executive. however, Jonathan Sumption (not exactly a lefty) has some wise words about the more modern process of the slide into authoritarianism
Any country that allows corporate lobbying has a majority of elected officials on someone's payroll. When you accept millions to get elected to a job that pays thousands, they expect a return
In less than a week.
The world should move on much more carefully.
China is already superior technically.
where did I (or Sumption) say anything like that? the erosion of democratic institutions (which place limits on executive power) is a serious issue. the "good chap" principle is dead and gone
paradoxically, the vagaries of our electoral system and the threat posed by Reform wangling their way to power via minority rule (which is what Labour also did) means that we might finally get a proportional system to keep the far right out
if there's no genuine resistance, then obviously shit will get pretty bad
not sure if it's weaponized incompetence or what but people gotta get it together
Now I'm going to invite the oligarchs to tea and have a little ceremony for them.