For providing the excuse for so many people to behave like complete jerks.
Whether the Xian fundies behind Project 25, Orthodox Church pushing the "Z Cult" in Russia, Ultra Zionists levelling Gaza, Islamists committing atrocities, Hindu Nats turning India into an autocracy.
That sawed off little russian twerp controls The United States by proxy.
He owns musk.
He owns bezos.
He owns fuckerberg.
He really owns king stinky.
And he owns much of Britain too.
In order of importance, relevance and actual power: Putin, Netanyahu, Musk, Trump. I wish those four would go explore the deep ocean together in one of those awesome billionaire subs.
This all started with him.
For providing the excuse for so many people to behave like complete jerks.
Whether the Xian fundies behind Project 25, Orthodox Church pushing the "Z Cult" in Russia, Ultra Zionists levelling Gaza, Islamists committing atrocities, Hindu Nats turning India into an autocracy.
Etc, etc, etc.
Pick one
That sawed off little russian twerp controls The United States by proxy.
He owns musk.
He owns bezos.
He owns fuckerberg.
He really owns king stinky.
And he owns much of Britain too.
Gotta’ be vladdy.
Depending on what article I read.
He will be relieved if not...
Musk?Trump?Putin?Netanyahu?Farage? ...and every feckin supporter of these repugnant tastbards!!