As a child I often wondered if in fact it was true that another dimension parallel to all of ours really existed.That sometimes any one individual on this planet could by pure luck, touch and be in contact with that other dimension.
This man (Alexander Armstrong) proves it exists and is stuck there
Gone right off him honestly fancy moaning about that when I am having to issue household support funds to the elderly because they can't afford heating
I thought he was a nice chap, he obviously doesn't care about the NHS etc., where the money is going to. Mind you he can afford to go private. I am shocked.
It's ridiculous:
AA: What's 2+2?
Contestants: 4.
AA: Any other ideas?
C1: It could be 3, or 5?
C2: I think it's 4.
AA: OK, let's start with 3. How many in our survey of idiots said 3?
AA: it's a wrong answer!🤷♂️
Should be a 10 minute show, max!🤦♂️
When they introduced Austerity in 2010 and decimated the state education system Alexander built his career on the backs of license payers
Sorry mate your wrong and you are looking stupid
Oh, boo hoo. The nerve expecting millionaires to pay an extra tax for the private school. I’m sure you can find a public school somewhere to relieve your financial woes.
He has a posh voice, but he’s not that bright. All that money on an eduction, and he can’t answer basic questions on the quiz shows he’s a contestant on. Wonder how he got that place at Oxford .. posh & entitled.
He's a #TypicalToryTraitor whose success is solely down to his unrivalled talent, wit and charm; nothing to do with his inherited wealth, public school education, and upperclass network. He wants the taxpayers to continue subsidizing his children to move in the same elite circles. #TaxTheRich
He's been at the coal face of wearing silly costumes and saying nonsensical words, or standing at a podium trying to name obscure breeds of dogs for years. And this is how he's treated!
Dear Alexander, for 7 years I was the sole breadwinner for my family whilst my Mrs brought up our child, who then fell ill for 18 months, whilst lasting on £12k after tax. Believe it or not mate my story pales in comparison to literally thousands of people in the UK. With respect STFU 🛎️🔚
Is it not funny how the rich are happy to see state schools struggle to deliver education with very small budgets but it is somehow a devastating event when they might have to pay a wee bit more to make their children a bit elite by CHOOSING to bypass publicly provided education.
" the rear of his Audi estate car sit four crates of vintage wine ..... My father introduced me to fine wine and it’s become something of an expensive passion .... I had to ... collect these cases from an auction house. Some is an investment but I’m a firm believer in sampling the goods too.”
When BBC employee Gary Lineker criticised Tories he was slaughtered by right wing press for daring to have opinion - any criticism of this poor destitute lamb expressing his views?
I’m really angry at people like AA who think that tax burden should fall on the shoulders of the people who struggle from week to week earning less in their working life than he earns in a year.The privileged seem to dislike paying their dues and choose to spend money on tax avoidance schemes.
Rich parents - Public school - Cambridge - Footlights - Edinburgh Festival - Radio 4 - BBC comedy series - TV game show host. The BBC posho conveyor belt, right there.
Love how the scribbler makes out that his third class degree was due to his “Footlights” work.
All that expensive education and privilege and he scraped a third class degree in English.
And now he moans about being poor, perhaps he needs some adult education classes
So basically he never bothered going to lectures or handing in any work because he was too busy going "Rah, rah, rah!" in the boozer with all his posh chums.
Good. If enough rich people end up having to send their kids to state schools they might actually start funding education properly.
There should not be private options for public services.
It feels like the entire world is geared against the idea that empathy is powerful. Humans naturally thrive in communities, it seems so barbaric to exclude people from comfort.
I feel his pain. I'm down to my last £5m. I've had to cut my household staff to the bare bones. I even had to figure out how to boil the kettle this morning. I'm almost nothing but my own servant.
Why should people pay their taxes so that other people's kids get privilege? these are businesses not charities. Pay for your kids education in its entirety if you think its better. And don't give me the scholarship argument about them being charities, only take on kids who make them look good.
Must be hard getting by on a BBC salary for hosting ‘Pointless.’ 6 shows a week on Classic FM. Regular travel shows for Channel5 and a budding career as an author of children’s books. He must be down to his last, quarter of a million by now? What an arrogant, greedy and entitled prick of a man.
Then send the kids to a state school and give even a small portion of the school fees to the state school that desperately needs every penny it can get.
He can indulge himself with the rest of the money he saves.
This man (Alexander Armstrong) proves it exists and is stuck there
FCK BBC, absolutely ridiculous
When the balloon goes up television quiz show presenters are the first we'll be counting on.
It's ridiculous:
AA: What's 2+2?
Contestants: 4.
AA: Any other ideas?
C1: It could be 3, or 5?
C2: I think it's 4.
AA: OK, let's start with 3. How many in our survey of idiots said 3?
AA: it's a wrong answer!🤷♂️
Should be a 10 minute show, max!🤦♂️
Don't buy his books.
I'm sure he'll manage.
watching him
Sorry mate your wrong and you are looking stupid
No longer a fan
Fucking entitled knob
The bugger supports for hunting too..there's an English toff fur ye!
If the headline DOES match what he said and is in context, then perhaps we should start a GoFundMe page for him.
After all, those tiny violins don't come cheap.
All that expensive education and privilege and he scraped a third class degree in English.
And now he moans about being poor, perhaps he needs some adult education classes
There should not be private options for public services.
So he makes up a story about school fees ‘cos he imagines the British population is all like him.
If it was just mandatory, the school system would be upgraded in no time
He can indulge himself with the rest of the money he saves.
That's the line, isn't it?
I’ll get my hat.