UK tourist Becky Burke was arrested by ICE in the USA and kept in handcuffs and chains for 19 days before being deported back to Wales.
Her 'crime', doing unpaid work in return for accomodation (which isn't illegal).
This is the evil of Donald Trump's USA, DON'T GO.
Her 'crime', doing unpaid work in return for accomodation (which isn't illegal).
This is the evil of Donald Trump's USA, DON'T GO.
And another about lack of reproductive healthcare.
They have shown that NOBODY is safe from being detained regardless of gender etc.
Hopefully more Brits will boycott US for holidays.
Canadians boycotting US travel and it is having an impact on US travel industry.
Even before this it's a country that treats mass shootings, like we treat adverse weather conditions.
Something we could plan around, and legislate for to make it less of a problem. But refused to do so.
Thoughts & prayers feels like leaves on the line.
This was in Minnesota.
Plus the two British male students shot in Florida in 2012.
It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
Perhaps it is time for the UK government to change the law and make visas compulsory for Americans for all time periods.
And I suspect many others feel the same.
Canada on the other hand…..
Do you expect to get paid if you work for someone?
I’ve got friends in LA, by your logic if I went and stayed free of charge I’d need a work visa to help with the dishes.
I see you failed to answer the other question.
Oh wait... Trump is ruining those, too...