“I told you...I was searching for the nature of evil...defining it: a lack of empathy. It's the one characteristic that connects all the defendants. A genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow man. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”- G. M. Gilbert Chief Psychologist...[on] Nazis at Nurem.
No suprise I guess that this is the hot propaganda now that the current admin wants to ensure that the millions of people they screw over and demonise receive as little social support and empathy as possible.
Empathy drives morality. Without morality, civilization would collapse. Something I'm sure amoral billionaires see as the ultimate "business" opportunity.
Would you be so kind as to share a list of the books and papers you put on the screen? I could not find it in the description box. I would like to pass this information along and also read them. Thank you as always.
It's my belief that empathy is partly responsible for the survival of the human species. However, as you say perochial empathy is very harmful. In my mind it's one of the biggest enemies to the human race right now. It's best to feel empathy for everyone else, not just those like us.
The basic idea being that if we remove the only good, redeeming parts of humanity (or even Christianity), what is left would agree with Musk, Kirk, Trump, etc.
Nah, fuck that. I'd rather be human, moral, and a decent human being rather than a Nazi.
In all sincerity, one of the distinguishing features of Homo sapien sapiens is our ability to imagine. One of the key components of imagination is being able to imagine ourselves in the place of others. Which is what empathy is. It's not only key to our civilization it's key to our humanity.
He must have a very interesting understanding of "Western civilization" to review the history of near continuous war and slavery and think, "you know what our problem is? We're just too nice."
Watching now.
Nah, fuck that. I'd rather be human, moral, and a decent human being rather than a Nazi.