It's hard really to express the contempt I have for everyone involved in how columns like this get made. Just utter unfactual crap that everybody involved knows is utter unfactual crap.
Reposted from
Roland Smith 🇺🇦
Another posh boy who lives in a bubble of wealth
If people can't tell the difference between presidential candidates and hammer-and-sickle randos on twitter, that's very much a them problem.
Dylan absolutely right of course about how our press has fallen so far.
I'm all for Being Clever - e.g. people in political office making statements that Strategically Effective rather than Strictly True/What They Think.
(i) we're not in political office
(ii) we don't know what is Strategically Effective
My Dad is tougher than your Dad.
Pathetic but no more than we expect from Stanley or the Telegraph
Tucker Carlson used to wear a bow tie. He looked like was 12 years old. Sounded like it, too.