If an economy can sustain this nonsense at a large scale, you do not need to force people to work by threatening them with starvation and homelessness.
It's why we embrace dad jokes. First you like them because they're so damn lame. Then you like them because you are. Until one day you're like man I used to be so much cooler than this... Anyhoo, did you hear the one about the turtle and the...
Lifestyle changes include not lying down for three hours after eating, lying down on the left side, raising the pillow or bedhead height, losing weight, and stopping smoking.
Foods that may precipitate GERD symptoms include coffee, alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods, acidic foods, and spicy foods.
Look we live in a society we weren't made for. Half of us should be eaten by tigers or dead of infection already. A win is a win is all I'm saying. You slept? Kickass!!
Yeah that’s seems to be an all encompassing theme of my life as a 40 year old: How much sleep did and what quality was? Let me check my wearable gadget? - god damn it, I mean, I literally did Ecstasy and LSD in my early 20s
Like many things, it's only embarrassing if you make it weird.
I wish I could even say that.
Because really...what are you generally doing late at night, anything important?
*Commercial ends w/ ppl running across the field*
Foods that may precipitate GERD symptoms include coffee, alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods, acidic foods, and spicy foods.
Thus, humanity: The societies that let many more of us live, aren’t the ones we evolved to live in.
So it goes.
At my age I suppose that’s an achievement?