yo we are starting off STRONG with A Biltmore Christmas. I laughed, I cried, I gasped. Appropriate level of cringe with some excellent one liners and general dialogue. He sacrifices for her and there’s no real “so and so needs to find themselves etc” will rewatch next year
A Heidelberg Holiday - incredibly cringe. Heidi Heidelberg in Heidelberg. You best BELIEVE they make that joke. Fun and cute with her finding professional success while he learns more about himself along the way and leans to express his creativity thanks to her. Will watch again.
Merry Gentleman - dumb. Moody magic mike. No motivation and he is just dumb and selfish. Should have helped her achieve her dreams. Insulted by this. Not putting a pic. Will still watch again let’s be real
Christmas Waltz - brother they put a Christmas love story into a backdrop of ballroom dancing, you KNOW I’m being targeted. Good representation of ballroom dancing and a cute story. Felt real nice watching this. It’s in the rotation for SURE