Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, Governor Pritzker, and your peeps!!!!! Please run for president. How about Governor of Florida? Turn our state blue. Have a great day.
Sometimes you have to have some kind of “normalcy” to forget all of the f**k up sh*t that Presidiot Cheeto VonF**kstick is puttin this country through 😇
It's not happy, honestly.
Because the US government disappeared over 200 people to a work camp in El Salvador WITHOUT DUE PROCESS on Saturday, in violation of a judicial temporary restraining order.
Illinois needs to pass legislation that recognizes the present federal government as illegitimate
Loving your message and clarity. So many people will benefit from your straightforward honest approach. Happy St. Patty’s, Governor. (A fan from Michigan). We need your leadership! 🔥☘️
Can’t wait to close on our new home outside Chicago. Missouri really sucks - St. Louis I will miss though. I did love living here but the State changed to unbearable.
Happy St Patrick's Day, Governor. Thank you for standing up for education on the NEA call last week. We need more patriots life you, who will speak up against the rise of autocracy in Washington.
You are a true leader and know the players. If “the powers that be” are not planning & writing a playbook to return this country to “We the People,”please bring together the right team to do it. Trump, et al. should see the power of the majority united when a very detailed strategy is implemented.
Please keep yourself safe! We need you, today and in the coming days weeks, mk the and yrs. There are so few leaders willing to stand up right now in the way we need them to.
I tell you what your state looks like you are out there in the streets literally I like that if you can point me to the real safe areas of Chicago I would move there asap I'm a girl from the south but Chicago is looking good lately
I’ve marched in this parade several years ago with Chris Kennedy (one of the good Kennedys) - it’s a very short walk - like 7 city blocks.
Thanks for the update☘️
Our country is a mess and the tangerine yahtzee is out of control.
Because the US government disappeared over 200 people to a work camp in El Salvador WITHOUT DUE PROCESS on Saturday, in violation of a judicial temporary restraining order.
Illinois needs to pass legislation that recognizes the present federal government as illegitimate
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we'll know them by their limping.
Happy St Patrick's Day