with you, never. We keep the creep at bay. Remember, I you hear a scary sound in the woods, make a scarier one, if you hear no response, congrats you are the monster now.
As a kid I had a horror movie experience skating on a frozen creek with branches covered in snow like this. I could see through the ice, and below my skates I saw my dog who had went missing earlier in the fall. A neighbor had shot her and there she was with all this beauty around me. Surreal.
This reminds me of a kayak trip my husband and I had last year. The trees are almost identical but ours were all covered in spiderwebs from top to bottom!! 😵💫 Talk about some fast paddling to get out of there! lol Great picture!
I appreciate that more than you know💙
thank you💜
does look kind of nice though🙃💙
The dams messed it up. With the dam removal it is expected to bring them back😉
thanks for sharing them💙☺️
Not a single creepy vibe for me, just lovely.
Thanks for sharing.
some did say a little creepy but that's ok
creepy will do
thank you Allyson💙
glad you like it thanks😊
thank you💜