whenever someone uses the term empowerment you should treat them like they're waving a gun in your face
Reposted from
Ian Martin
"Imagine a world in which an A.I. can analyze your reading patterns and alert you that you’re about to buy a book where there’s only a 10 percent chance you’ll get past Page 6..."
Fuck off. That's not empowerment, that's outsourcing your soul. That's outsouling.
Fuck off. That's not empowerment, that's outsourcing your soul. That's outsouling.
Man that would make for some weird content.
The group that is frequently reading doesn't need a bot to scrape the internet for them.
This is the worse timeline...
*(us, the disposable contract workers with no job security or benefits).
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a word abused that badly before.
Never change. Stay awesome.
"Do not think or experience friction ever again, let your phone plug you in to whatever media is most likely to Retain Your Attention"
Power is always taken, not given.
The Rabbit R1 guy is basically Jian Yang w/this