I enjoyed the Versailles episode. I think the bastards of history give a lot of context to the modern one. An episode on the Romans' use of client kings to subvert nations may cause some fun rapid blinking in your listeners.
Oh, just like in Argentina then. Welcome to the club, I guess, I'm so sorry.
You know I ran here as a refugee from Russia’s war and anti-trans crusade—got here just in time to watch it turn into an authoritarian regime and start cosplaying Russian ‘90s. Second ‘90s in my lifetime… just my luck.
Fortunately I'm not in the US, but in the UK we have a new government that..
*Checks notes*
... hates Trans people, scapegoats immigrants, cuts public funding and keeps moving their policies to the right in order to attract conservative voters..
If the American Empire collapses like Rome I am preemptively applying for the role of the Canadian version of Alaric. We'll do this but with the Washington Statue in the Rotunda (this is a joke if the FBI is reading)
You know I ran here as a refugee from Russia’s war and anti-trans crusade—got here just in time to watch it turn into an authoritarian regime and start cosplaying Russian ‘90s. Second ‘90s in my lifetime… just my luck.
Fortunately I'm not in the US, but in the UK we have a new government that..
*Checks notes*
... hates Trans people, scapegoats immigrants, cuts public funding and keeps moving their policies to the right in order to attract conservative voters..
I hate this timeline.
Our musical tastes are incredibly aligned.