the resist libs are, in the current American political space, the closest to the kind of republican he is ('racism is bad, capitalism is good' conservatives)
I feel like Cancer Man would have made sure the bullet didn't miss Trump because he would destabilize the plans the aliens made with the government too much. Also damn Fight the Future is an incredible movie.
Mulder would actually be the guy you meet at a party that draws you in by immediately making really good points on politics but then devolves over the course of no more than 2 drinks into aliens talk while you desperately plot a way to detach from the convo.
Cancer man would have taken T***p out as a candidate. Not for any noble reason or even a political one, but just because dude can't keep his mouth shut and that's an unacceptable risk.
Krycek is SUCH an easy read! It's astonishing they wrote him so good before social media ...Or maybe he shaped social media. Who knows, X-Files is genius-tier
"Huh... i guess so"
"... oh no"