Curious about blocking because I’ve heard it works differently. I hadn’t realised it is possible to bulk block using lists. Looks like some are maintained, like starter packs. But others are dynamic, like ‘all followers of xxxxx’. At the moment who I follow controls who blocks me.
One thing I dislike about this site .
Recall my brief exploration of
Spoutible. Block list thing started there & it was rapidly disallowed.
Imv ppl capable of making own decisions re the who & why.
yeah me too, people here seem far to opposed to hearing views different from their own. Don't get me wrong, twitter is too far the other way but i like hearing from people I disagree with and hearing stories I might not otherwise come across.
Poss hangover from abusive stuff on ex 🐦. I can sympathise with that.
Not sure about building own gang/ bubble by auto blocking cause you happen to follow a particular account. If I thought an account was abusive wldnt be following it.
Disagreement isn't abuse - in most circs on here.
Actually I’ll expand on that, block lists are juvenile but the fact I’m on many of them is great because it means I don’t have to interact with a bunch of immature American (for the most part) pearl clutching progressives.
Ha … now I understand… since I have never interacted with any of the people who blocked me… it turns out it is because of the bloody people I follow. Jeez who would have thunk ?
If you look at the lists you may be on, that may give an idea as to why certain blockers may have blocked you on sight, without ever engaging with you. Mine is, I think, the pro-EU/FBPE thing - no doubt amongst others.
Most of the people blocking me have used a tool to block thousands of people at the same time. Usually they don’t dislike us, it’s just the Bluesky way
I have no idea who dislikes me, I don't care either. If I make people happy, cheer them up that's fine too. I am me and I Will remain such. I do not control how people react to me and I don't want to.
Just curious I guess. It's interesting to see that you're blocked by people you've never interacted with, or just people you asked a couple of questions to. I'm not going to feel bad about it though. I am who I am and I'm quite happy with that.
I see the lists I'm on are mainly from my following Best for Britain and Alastair Campbell.
Apparently some people still imagine he's going to end up in The Hague...
Recall my brief exploration of
Spoutible. Block list thing started there & it was rapidly disallowed.
Imv ppl capable of making own decisions re the who & why.
Not sure about building own gang/ bubble by auto blocking cause you happen to follow a particular account. If I thought an account was abusive wldnt be following it.
Disagreement isn't abuse - in most circs on here.
They’re both awful and great 🙃
Let them, is my view.
You don’t?
Apparently some people still imagine he's going to end up in The Hague...
(masochist confessional)