Book writing is
60% excruciatingly hard and lonely work,
35% of existential self-hatred, and
5% of rare, glorious moments when all you can think is
'this is so fascinating, I am so happy and grateful I get to do this‘.
But honestly, the sh*t one has to endure to get to those 5 %.
60% excruciatingly hard and lonely work,
35% of existential self-hatred, and
5% of rare, glorious moments when all you can think is
'this is so fascinating, I am so happy and grateful I get to do this‘.
But honestly, the sh*t one has to endure to get to those 5 %.
Das harte Wort 'Du musst',
So macht Dich eins nur still:
Das stolze Wort 'Ich will!'"
Oder so.
5% !! ?? !!
wow, that is so freaking awesome !!
Not that, um, I’ve ever done that… or anything… *ahem*