You need to keep in mind how thrilled people are to meet YOU. You are what many people hope to be; kind considerate open honest and truly beautiful inside and out. Never lose sight of that. I sure won’t.
We share in the awkwardness! I'm in my 60s, and have *always* been the square peg in a universe of round holes (ADHD). Shaving off those corners in order to fit is painful! Now, I am content in my hermit-ness. Me, Myself, and I are pretty good company.
Enduring that feeling and putting yourself out there regardless of it is the path to getting better at being social. You'll get there, I have full faith!
I used to feel that, and get flashes of it when I'm on various social platforms.
Trust me, it never goes away; that said you can rest assured you have multiple kindred souls that feel the same, and then it doesn't feel so insurmountable.
Knowing is half the battle. Once you know, you own it, live it, and find the people who will celebrate your awkward. You can just make everyone else cringe with second d hand embarrassment.
Bet I could give you a run for your money! I'd like to think that I can be fairly witty online, like w/puns and stuff, but in person I am introverted/awkward as hell.
Example: I actually tell people that I'm done talking to them when I'm tired of the conversation, like Brick from The Middle.🤣
Big same! I’m like why can’t I meet people and hold conversations without awkward silences. Like I miss every social cue. I just end up looking like a clown.
It just takes one person to make you feel like maybe you’re not weird in the wrong ways. I hadn’t even been kissed before I went to college. I’ve been married to the girl that was my first everything for 15 years.
You just need to get old enough so that you realize you no longer give a fuk what others think of you - that is most liberating, & ineptitude is no longer an issue!!
Either you get to certain point you just go with it knowing it’s gonna keep happening and it possibly does a 180 and you’re like -how the- or you give up for the day and get hot chocolate or a comfort snack and hope for the best. Nothing wrong with either, but takes time!! You both got this c:
I understand those feelings as I have them myself. Doesn't necessarily make them true for either of us. Be kind to yourself and I hope you have a great xmas
i actually tried when i was younger to get all my other awkward and socially inept people I was friends with (me especially).It was funny for some reason on that day we did show up stood there in silence smoking. Half hour later we all went home kinda exhausted.
I am the quietest & seemingly most boring person a lot of the time, but when there's a conversation I am really interested in you can't get me to shut up. I find I either have chemistry with someone & can talk super easily or I am as awkward as a baby giraffe.
Luckily for you, it's not true. I currently hold that title and can't get rid of it. But just like my title, it's really hard to shake off that feeling.
I hate to disabuse you both of this notion, but I’ve been holding the title since the mid 80s. While I would be happy to pass it on, you’ll really have to do something exceptional to beat me.
I may have ya beat! I channel it all into positivity and love…that does not always work very well either lol. Let’s both keep trying. Good luck out there!!!
If it makes you feel any better, while you may feel like you are the most awkward and socially inept person, as the person who really is let me just say you're doing fine.
Oh, and nice people like you on Bluesky. 💙💙💙
Trust me, it never goes away; that said you can rest assured you have multiple kindred souls that feel the same, and then it doesn't feel so insurmountable.
Put it this way: you ever heard someone say "Look at that smooth motherfucker. He's soooo socially ept."
Ain't nobody gives a shit about eptness.
Sometimes words get orphaned like that for good reasons.
Example: I actually tell people that I'm done talking to them when I'm tired of the conversation, like Brick from The Middle.🤣
Not to worry, my adorable Angelique is strictly an indoor cat 😺