the whole "Well I would say they don't know all the facts" bullshit from seymour is so tired.
you can use that bullshit line whenever you want because nobody's ever going to know *ALL* the facts and it fucking kills any sort of criticism, or appears to because the media obediently shuts up.
Let them piss on each other from every height and every angle, the more the merrier, and as they slide in the polls and have no answers, expect the circular firing squad sometime this year
Well we know what Willis has with her morning coffee, milquetoast
Hedge, feint, feign, back and fill, dodge and slide all in one sentence
"Ultimately I agree with the Prime Minister, of course, and I think he's formed a view.."
you can use that bullshit line whenever you want because nobody's ever going to know *ALL* the facts and it fucking kills any sort of criticism, or appears to because the media obediently shuts up.
Hedge, feint, feign, back and fill, dodge and slide all in one sentence
"Ultimately I agree with the Prime Minister, of course, and I think he's formed a view.."
Willis and Luxon, the milquetoast sandwich