I’ve just figured out that Ian does not in fact believe himself to be a ‘kitty unit’, but actually has a cat called Kitty and a dog called Unit, who, along with Ian, bid us good morning and good night. It’s taken me a while. I only twigged when I saw the photo of Unit. 😂
So much better than when we tried to shift platforms a while back, that place was so unfriendly, so good to see everyone helping others with tips on how to navigate in this new land. Shout out to those who we here before us, thank you for making our migration easy.
Good afternoon Ian Kitty and Unit
Damned cat. Other people have cats that wake them up. I didn’t wake up till midday because the cat chose to sit and stare at me rather than wake me up. Day already half over
So lovely to find you here. ❤️🐾🐾
The migration continues, so many butterflies.
Damned cat. Other people have cats that wake them up. I didn’t wake up till midday because the cat chose to sit and stare at me rather than wake me up. Day already half over