Indue card, work choices +everything that's on the on the 2025 project list plus whatever is still left on the ipa 2do list AND whatever the lovely gina wants.
Basically he'll +destruction.
Sorting out the Senate voting this election could b vital 2 Australia's future
People who believe the post Pandemic economy will be resolved by the 'right leader' are barking up the wrong tree.
Let's not follow NZ or the Americans let's give Labor another 3 years rather than return to the Morrison mob only worse.
I think anyone who thinks there's anyone in the Coalition that could be the "right leader" has bigger problems. They've already smashed through the bottom of the barrel and are digging up hell for candidates.
Basically he'll +destruction.
Sorting out the Senate voting this election could b vital 2 Australia's future
Let's not follow NZ or the Americans let's give Labor another 3 years rather than return to the Morrison mob only worse.
With the sweet child of mines as the benefactor.