You won’t loose, it needs more than a week to lose, it will make you muscle rest and when you’re back in action, you will feel the muscles your working!
Totally understand that feeling, and it happens to me too. Don’t worry, your gains will still be there when you get back, and the brief break may even be good for your recovery and progress! Keep your chin up!
Fuck, don't I know this at age 55. It can really suck. Are you able to keep getting steps (walking) in? Seriously, it takes about 2-3 week of no workout to have a serious effect. You still have time.
Had to take like a month off due to a broken bone and it’s the worst feeling! But you’ll bounce back SOOOO quick and won’t lose progress! I honestly feel like I’m progressing faster tbh!
Omg totally! Also really just the mental benefits of exercise are sooooo huge! I’m so much less focused when I don’t get regular exercise! Us cute gays boys are really just golden retrievers!