Konami released separate PS5/Steam and Xbox trailers for MGS Delta Snake Eater. In the Xbox version, it teases Snake vs. Bomberman.
Snake vs Monkey is in PS5 and Steam versions.
"A different special game will be implemented for the Xbox version! Please wait for further details."
Snake vs Monkey is in PS5 and Steam versions.
"A different special game will be implemented for the Xbox version! Please wait for further details."
Past konami would have just removed the monkey and left a giant hole where it should have been
Genuine asking lol
PlayStation to Xbox: "Thanks! But you can't have Ape Escape in your version of MGS Delta. That's ours."
Xbox to PlayStation: "But we gave you..."
PlayStation to Xbox: "Did we stutter??"
PS5/Steam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KflwVzVIk_o
Bloody Roar would win
Aperture Labs VR Missions
Wonder if it'll get Snake vs Mario lol