Valve, and in turn Gabe Newell, are practically worshipped because they are Pro Consumer. They will do everything they can to ensure that Consumers can Consume without restriction or delay
Valve good. Newell good. Developers doing anything but creating Product to be Consumed is bad. A line is drawn
Valve good. Newell good. Developers doing anything but creating Product to be Consumed is bad. A line is drawn
You don't hear about Valve developers being frustrated, or tired, or worse yet - POLITICAL - you just see the black box pop out a Product every once in a while.
Plus I had problems with a few purchases a while ago, and not only did they not fix it, they suspended my account.
I only use Zoom, itch and GOG now.
Remove those labels from your head. You are a person. A games studio is a group of people who want to make games. Treat them as such.
Steam Forums are a mistake and i would've turned them off if Valve let me