Author's Note: I drew this before I started actually wearing latex and Oh My God latex in cold weather is actually awful and doesn't insulate you at all and in fact turns all the sweat between your skin and the latex cold and makes you feel like you're in a little portable ice bath :')
lol yeah, it sure was An Experience leaving the goth club a couple weeks ago just in time for Minnesota Winter™ to start setting in and wearing neck to shin latex alright.
Yea wetsuit Lycra is really good for insulating comparatively and does feel really good on the body- highly underrated imho.
(Also I love this design omg)
When I would get too cold, I’d recharge my heat, then go for another bout
For gas powered vehicles, the engine needs to be on to prevent battery depletion, so being quick helps!
Portable ice bath
(Also I love this design omg)
Suits Constance really well.